I went into labour at a hockey match at Ryde Arena and my son went to his first match at two weeks o
Ryde Arena has been a big part of my life, and has a big piece of my heart. It started as a child with the Friday night discos, the...
Archie, now a professional skater with Disney on Ice stresses the importance of Ryde Arena to the co
(Photo Courtesy of the Isle of Wight County Press) Ryde Arena is an important asset to the community on the Isle of Wight. It gives kids...
Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green Party, meets with skaters at Ryde Arena
Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green party met with young skaters and hockey players outside the closed Ryde Arena. When she...
After giving 7 years of his life to this sport, my 12 year old son Oakley broke down sobbing...
My 12 year old son Oakley broke down sobbing Wednesday evening because he is missing ice hockey and training so much. He misses his...
Island Synchronized Skaters Brilliant Result in International Competition!
Last weekend the 4 Isle of Wight Synchronized Skating teams competed against teams from around the world in the Trophy d'Ecosse despite...
From confused and angry to happy and engaged but now devastated by the loss of the rink!
We are the grandparents of a devastated skater. Firstly for losing the rink but secondly for the loss of her beloved coach Georgia Webb....
No option to go further afield to carry on playing— Oli's story
Oli first became interested in ice hockey in 2013 aged 9, after watching it on the Winter Olympics. He hadn't skated before so I booked...
My Memories—"PLEASE give us back our ice rink I am begging you!!!!"
Sophia featured in an earlier post when she passed her level 3 Field Moves Skating test. She wanted to tell us a bit more about what...
A letter to Ryde Arena by Abbey, age 8
This past weekend Abbey woke up at 4am to go play with the under 9s team in Guildford. She was thrilled to win the match award for her...
Since AEW closed Ryde Arena in October the rink sits empty. Our teams, our coaches and our children travel at crazy hours just to keep...